Your Visit to a Historical Place
Historical place means a place which bears the testimony to history. As a student and history lover, I have a keen interest to know the historical places of my country. Bangladesh is a land of monuments and memorials.
So, during the last summer vacation, when I got an opportunity to visit a historical place in Bogura, I did not miss the chance. We paid a visit to Mahasthangarh of Bogura. Historians say that Mahasthangarh was the site of Pundranagar, the oldest city of Bangladesh. There are some elevated places near Mahasthangarh. These places are known as ‘Vitas’ Kundas”Ghous’ and ‘Dhaps’. One part of the dried river is known as the ghat of Kankabati. There is a museum at Mahasthangarh. Some images, dice, ornaments, and pots excavated from Mahasthangarh attracted me most. We saw all these relics of the past and learned a lot of things about ours. civilization. The ‘Vitas’ impressed me much. We spent the day at Mahasthangarh and started back in the evening. It was indeed a rewarding trip. Really, we enjoyed the wandering very much and from it we gathered much knowledge.
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